Saturday, December 8, 2012

Week 6

After missing my last two blog post I feel that I will do a few so what I have done and am going to be doing will be said in detail.

Tomorrow I will post with more information about what has been done, but for now know this: As I have been told, Work has been done.

Oh and Point lights work well for moving AI to a position.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Week 2: Getting started

End of week two and I have gotten a pretty good idea of how to make the rail system work. Shouldn't be a long process but slightly complicated.

At the direction of Professor Santello I will have 3D objects in udk have a material that shows a swf file. The swf file will allow a hover and click feature and communicate back to udk what needs to be  done via fscommand. Udk will then read the command and move the camera to the that spot in the rail system.

See sounds simple enough! Oh and we will most likely scrap all the kismet and swf files done in the previous version.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Week 1: Getting to know me

Since this is the first post I have decided to let everyone know a bit about me, oh, and the project.

My name is Kelsey Henson and I am currently attending college at DeVry. My major is in GSP(Game and Simulation Programming) and I'm scheduled to Graduate at the beginning of March.

As for the project that we choose, it will be a continuation on what a previous group attempted. A warehouse simulation for Aspire. It will be based on the look of Aspire and recommendations received by the client.

If all goes as planned I hope to have this fully completed by the end of our four month term.